I started off strong with a weighted 35 minute elliptical workout. I tore it up this morning! While on the elliptical, I pushed hard and kept yelling out loud (very Jillian-like), So you want to eat cookies??? You want to eat cookie dough??? Nothing's for free!!! The husband was working out with me and he kept egging me on saying, "yeah, I saw you eat lots of cookie dough!" It was funny! I was dripping in sweat and cursing like a truck driver the whole time! After 35 minutes, I got off and finished up with a 15 minute treadmill run. My HRM said I burned 450 calories. Um, okay. That probably covered about 2 cookies and a lick of cookie dough. Oh well. Better than nothing ;P
I wasn't hungry for a while after that beating, so I waited for an hour before I settled into a cereal bowl of 3/4 c. High Fiber O's, 1/2 c. unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, 1/2 c. blueberries and a couple chopped dried apricots for 3 POINTS...

Lunch was a hummus wrap with Laughing Cow Light Cheese, cucumbers and baby spinach in a La Tortilla Factory Smart and Delicious Wrap. I went with a side of good old soy crisps and an apple for a tasty 7 POINT lunch...

Dinner was leftover Pineapple Luau Pork (from the freezer) served over brown rice for 6 POINTS...
The daughters found that picture of me with the hubby (isn't he cute!)while rummaging through some albums down the basement. They ran up to show me saying they couldn't believe that was me. They don't remember me looking that way. Nice to know they have impaired long term memories. That may serve me well for the many "mom crimes" I have committed! LOL! Although, they'll probably remember ALL those incidents that "ruined" their childhood ;P Anyway, here's a pic of the "mom they know" taken by little daughter (excuse my hideous lack of makeup )...

Sometimes I still see that person in the first picture. It's good to know that you all don't, though :D

Sometimes I still see that person in the first picture. It's good to know that you all don't, though :D
Have a great night!
So sorry to hear about your friend. :-(
Marisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sorry that both of you must travel this road.
Please don't beat yourself up too badly for today's "events" as it was a reaction to the news - NOT a change in your attitude. Back on the horse girlfriend, back in the routine and all will be ok as you help your friend down this difficult road she will travel. But a positive attitude is needed by both of you.
Bad news sucks.
I hear you about seeing the old you sometimes. I go through that, too.
Someone commented on a recent posting on my Facebook on a pic taken two years ago that she didn't recognize me, and I was shocked. I mean, come on, it's obviously me.
But then... not so obvious. That was 50 lbs ago.
So sorry to hear about your friend...that is sad news.
BTW, You look awesome! You really made a transformation! I love seeing those then and now pics. That really motivates me!
Thank you!
and Take care....
Wow Marisa, you look great!! Isn't it nice when people don't even recognize the own you - especially when it's family?
Your blog inspired me to do a before/after comparison of my photos and I could not believe it. I am still in shock!
Sorry to hear about your friend; lots of warm hugs, and stay strong.
So sorry to hear of your friend's illness.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
I'm an emotional eater too, and it's so hard not to eat in difficult times. But I know you can do it!
Great picture!
Awful news about your friend. It's a tough battle.
I'm so with you about seeing the "Old You" in the mirror, I'm totally like that.
What an awful thing - so sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis. On the positive side, the outlook is sooooo much brighter these days as the treatments and therapies on offer have come so far, so I wish your friend and her family the best of luck. As for you, as you said - some days the world is put in perspective, we're healthy and so is our family, and that's what really matters - although I'm with Kat - back to it now! :o)
Sorry to hear about your friend. T_T
The before and after picture is awesome. You look great! Don't beat yourself up for having one bad day. The progress you have made is strong and steady.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Will keep them in my prayers.
Thanks for the before/after pic's, it's very motivating!
Marisa, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your friend. So are the docs talking about treatment plans yet?
Let's not even discuss the snacking. You did awesome on the elliptical. Those things still kick my butt! Your HRM might have said you burned 4XX calories but your heart rate and metabolism will stay elevated after working out so you'll burn more even after you stop.
You look beautiful in both of your pictures but you look the happiest in your "after" pic. Lovely. :) Vibrant. Healthy.
Hang in there.
Wow, I honestly think you look beautiful in both pics!! You are very photogenic :)
I'm so sorry about your friend {{hugs}} I'm an emotional eater too. I know what you mean!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. So so so sorry.
As for the reaction you had to the news.....today is a new day. Wipe the slate clean, make a plan, stick to it. I know you can do that.
The fact that you worked out is a huge plus in your favor! Not just to burn calories, but to help with endorphins / mood enhancers. If we would all just work out when we feel a funk coming on (or hear bad news)...we might be better off in the long run. Not to mention, it's a great habit to get into. Reacting with physical activity vs. running to the fridge. Baby steps, my friend.
It cracks me up that your girls reacted to the picture the way they did. That's the way my husband reacts to my old pictures. And then there's my mother in law who swears I was never "that" big. Helllllllo! We have 10 years worth of pictures of me gaining and gaining that don't lie! What is she thinking??? It's funny how different people react.
im so sorry to hear about your friend. you are very right..the snacking is so not important in the scheme of life. and you got in a killer workout, which is great.
your picture does look really great though!!! i love that your own daughters barely remember looking any other way...this new, healthy, skinny fit mom has made a pretty big impression it seems!
so sorry to hear about your friend marisa. i will be thinking of you!
on the upside, love the transformation.
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend :(
Hey, I am new to this whole blogging thing but have a few comments. First of all, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I am going through something similar with my friend's mother who I am very close too. It's a very difficult thing to handle.
On a much more positive not, you look great! Congratulations on your accomplishment and I look forward to following your blog more closely :)
Awww - I think you look beautiful in both pictures! I am STILL waiting to see the picture of the porker - it's just not there :)
I LOVED your workout thoughts and conversations. I swear I play the same mental games too. Yahoo for 450 calories burned - that's awesome!
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