Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Snack is great, dinner - not so much...

I was definitely ready for a snack this afternoon; my stomach was letting me know it! I thought I would have a couple different things but I put them together to make Banana Bread and Fruit Fondue. I put some strawberries, grapes and cubed banana bread on a plate with some Fiber One Strawberry Yogurt for the fondue dip. What an awesome snack...

But then came dinner. I had a pork chop dish planned, however, the husband kept badgering me all day about breading the pork chops. All day. It was ridiculous. So, I caved and went with what the husband and daughters "thought" they wanted. Well....it stunk. The breading was great, but I knew these pork chops were too thick for the breaded preparation. To cook them all the way through, they would be dry. And dry they were, especially after they began to cool a bit on the plate. I even added a tbsp. of marinara sauce and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, but that didn't help much for dryness. For a side, I made roasted and sauteed spaghetti squash with garlic and EVOO. That, at least , was good tasting. I only sauteed half of it in the garlic and oil, so I still have a bunch of it leftover. I hope to come up with something snazzy to do with it!

I hate when bad dinners happen. It leaves me feeling unsatisfied and munchie. As I was cleaning the kitchen, I snacked on another slice of banana bread, a few bites of biscuits I made to go along with the family's dinner and a few Cheez-Its. Darn! I hate when that happens. I went over my point allotment today, but luckily only by a few. Hopefully, that won't show up on weigh-in day :( I ended the night with a cup of decaf coffee to try and save me from any further damage. Even that stunk - my soymilk was funky...

oh, well....

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